| ‍‍Palani Road, Pollachi, Tamil Nadu 642107

Curriculum Development Cell (CDC)

Curriculum Development is the cornerstone of any formal education process and Curriculum Development Cell is an essential component of an autonomous college to design and implement the curriculum. The Curriculum Development Cell (CDC) was established in the academic year of 2018-19 to devise course schemes, syllabi, and teaching methodologies for execution in the college.  CDC works as a catalyst in the continuous process of design and development of curriculum structure and course development leading to provide an updated and relevant education to the learning community.

Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College (STC) focuses on teaching and assessing for learning by designing curriculum backwards, concentrating on the desired end-results first. The Curriculum Development Team uses well-established industry standards and competency frameworks to ensure all curriculum and individual courses are targeted to deliver the specific skills and characteristics required for career success of the enrolled students. Additionally, our courses aim to prepare the students for progress in education to respond to the imperative of grooming them for diverse representation in research to participate in nation-building exercise. The principles involved as pictured below serves a reference point to ensure that the curriculum development process is iterative which allows any revision and enhancement of course content. The diagram below captures the essence of our philosophy and displays the process involved in a typical curriculum design, both at UG and PG Levels.


Roles and Responsibilities


1. Standardized Curricula for all disciplines incorporating Choice-Based Credit System (CBCS)
2. Internships for both UG and PG students
3. Subject Experts from both industry and other premier educational institutions are involved to make up-to-date curricula
4. Alumni, Students, Parents and Faculty are satisfied
5. Students are equipped for progression both in education and employment
6. Students completing MOOC Courses and other Industry-specific certifications

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