| ‍‍Palani Road, Pollachi, Tamil Nadu 642107



With an intention to make education accessible to every student, STC is open to all students whose core agenda it to grow and make an impactful career. Selection for admissions is purely based on an overall assessment of the individual’s potential and merits. STC believes in the fair selection of talent for its courses

UG Programme

Candidates selected for admission will be intimated by post. They should appear for an interview along with their Parent / guardian and also bring the following original certificates:

  • The admission process is a simple 3-step procedure, The candidate will have to apply online, bring all the necessary documents and present themselves for the admission interview.
  • The communal reservation policy of Government of Tamil Nadu will be strictly followed.
  • All admissions are subject to ratification by Bharathiar University, CBE.

PG Programme

A similar process is followed for the PG admission after the publication of Bharathiar University results for the academic year.

M.Phil / Ph.D Admissions

M.Phil. & Ph.D. admissions are done as per Bharathiar University Regulations.

Eligibility Criteria

The candidates should have completed their 12th grade and secured at least 55% or above to secure a seat in any department.

UG Programmes

Candidates selected for admission will be intimated by post. They should appear for an interview along with their Parent / guardian and also bring the following original certificates:

B.Com (Applied Business Accounting)

3 Years, 6 Semesters

B.Com. (Business Analytics)

3 Years, 6 Semesters

B.Com. (Banking and Insurance)

3 Years, 6 Semesters

B.Com. (Professional Accounting)

3 Years, 6 Semesters

B.Com (CA) Computer Applications

3 Years, 6 Semesters


3 Years, 6 Semesters

B.Sc. (Computer Science)

3 Years, 6 Semesters

B.Sc. (Information Technology)

3 Years, 6 Semesters

B.C.A. (Bachelor of Computer Application)

3 Years, 6 Semesters

B.Sc Digital & Cyber Forensic Science

3 Years, 6 Semesters

B.Sc. Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (AI&ML)

3 Years, 6 Semesters

B.Sc. Data Science and Analytics (DSA)

3 Years, 6 Semesters

B.Sc. (Mathematics)

3 Years, 6 Semesters

BBA (Business Administration)

3 Years, 6 Semesters

B.A. (English Literature)

3 Years, 6 Semesters

B.Sc. (Psychology)

3 Years, 6 Semesters

B.Sc. Physics

3 Years, 6 Semesters

B.Sc. Chemistry

3 Years, 6 Semesters


We host scholarship progreams to financially support students in order to encourage them to excel in academics and careers.

UG Programmes

Merit Scholarship*
  • Marks 81% and above – 20% fee concession
  • Note: Scholarship based on marks excluding language papers in +2.
  • Marks 71% and above – 50% fee concession
    Marks 60% to 70% – 25% fee concession
  • *Scholarship based on marks excluding language Papers in +2
  • Note: STC admission team will visit the students residence and the scholarship will be considered based on the assessment of economic background.

Alumni Scholarship
(Applicable to brothers and sisters of STC alumini) 20% Fee concession for all UG Courses.

  • Sibling Scholarship
    (Applicable to brothers and sisters of current STC students) 20% Fee concession for all UG Courses.
  • *Scholarship based on marks excluding languages papers.
  • Note: Students Should have secured a minimum of 50% marks in +2

Depending on the merit and achievements

PG Programmes

Merit Scholarship Eligibility Test (MSET PG)*
  • 50% fee waiver for the next 24 students of all the programmes.
  • 25% fee waiver for the next 48 students.
  • All alumni / students who appeared for MSET will be eligible for 20% scholarship except MCA.

Depending on the merit and achievements

Ready to Get Started

Take the first step toward achieving your goals with us. Explore endless opportunities and begin your journey to success today!