| ‍‍Palani Road, Pollachi, Tamil Nadu 642107

Control of Examination (COE)

Control of Examinations

Control of Examinations at Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College oversees all aspects of the examination process.
Dr. M. R. Natesan, Qualification: MA Social Work., M.A Sociology., MA Yoga., M.Phil Sociology., Diploma in Labour Laws., Ph.D Social Work.,

Controller of Examinations (COE) office

The V. S. V. Vidyaa Mandir, a benevolent charitable trust performed a great feat in founding an educational institution for higher learning, ‘Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College,’ on 22nd October 1997 to meet the educational needs of the rural youth in and around Pollachi at an affordable cost. Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College is a co-educational institution, recognized by UGC, affiliated to Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. STC is accredited by NAAC with A Grade in the 3rd cycle, was awarded with Autonomous status 2008-09. The Autonomy came into force from the Academic year 2009-10 onwards.

An exclusive Controller of Examinations (COE) office is established in the campus to meet the requisite to be an autonomous institution. The COE reports to Principal and is assisted by Support staff. The COE office is fully automated and is provided with the necessary infrastructure for its effective functioning. The major responsibilities of COE office are preparation of academic calendar with examination schedule and implementing, arranging for valuation, evaluation, publication of results for all UG and PG academic programmes. It ensures utmost confidentiality. It has also updated the process of examination and evaluation in line with the requirements of quality education. It supports curriculum development through feedback.

Vision and Mission

To develop and maintain 100 percent foolproof and technology-enabled theory and practical examinations and assessment system and the publication of results at the earliest while upholding the sanctity of freedom granted under autonomy by strict adherence to the values of quality, justice, secrecy, confidentiality, and efficiency expected thereof in the transactions of the office of Controller of Examinations.


Towards achieving these objectives, Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College has constituted Boards of Studies for different disciplines / programmes. Syllabi and scheme of examinations have been framed that are being implemented from the Academic year (2009-2010). Examination Rules and Regulations have been formulated and the salient features of the syllabi and scheme of examinations are:

The college offers 17 UG and 8 PG academic programmes. The prime responsibility of planning and conducting both CIA and ESE for all UG and PG academic programmes in a centralized, systematic, and transparent manner lies with the Office of the Controller.
Examinations are planned as per the academic calendar released in the beginning of the academic year. The COE prepares the schedule of Examination related activities from time to time which are communicated to the Heads of the Department and students through display on Notice Boards, circulars, mail sent to Institutional email ids and messages through WhatsApp groups and website. The annual report provides a comprehensive overview of the activities of the COE office.
Each department constitutes the BOS as per the UGC regulations for Autonomous Institutions. Regular Meetings of the Academic Council, Finance Committee and Governing Body are held.


The Examination process is automated by AES (Autonomous Examination Systems) software. The entire workflow from student registration to result processing is carried out through AES.


Academic Calendar

The Academic Council approves the academic calendar consisting of schedule of activities for a session or semester inclusive of dates for internal Examination and External Examination; inter-semester breaks etc. well in advance of the start of a semester. The academic calendar usually provides the number of teaching weeks in each semester which shall be fifteen to eighteen with a minimum of 90 teaching days excluding the period of examination, holidays and days when classes are suspended.
The Examination Cell, based on the approved academic calendar, will prepare a timetable for events to be conducted like internal and external, theory and practical examinations, evaluation etc.

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