| ‍‍Palani Road, Pollachi, Tamil Nadu 642107

Lecture Capturing System

STC has A Dedicated Audio Visual Centre, Lecture Capturing System (Lcs) & Related Hardware And Software For E-Content Development lecture Capturing System

STC has a dedicated Audio-Visual Capture and Editing Centre (AVCEC) connected to the Internet with a bandwidth of 100MBPS and enabled with required hardware and software for capturing lectures, mixing, editing, and hosting in YouTube for the benefit of students to ensure learning-on-the-go or learning-after-office hours.

Objectives of LCS

Lecture Capture & Editing Equipment

Lecture capture is crucial in making most of the opportunities that the development of digital technology offers to both educational institutions and students. Faculty members can record or capture their lectures in high definition and post them online. The following equipment are available:

Benefits of LCS

While lecture capture offers substantial benefits to improve students’ learning experiences, it is not meant to take the place of in-class instruction.

Flipped Classrooms

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