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Research Ethics

Research Ethics

  • Bharathiar University has always been the model to other universities in implementing the initiatives taken by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi. Regarding the inclusion of research ethics and research methodology as a curriculum paper, various departments have included the same in their syllabi.
  • At the departrnent of Biotechnology, the importance of plagiarism check has been enhanced and well educated. In the syllabi of Departments of Botany and Chemistry, topics on paper publication, proposal writing, thesis writing, research paper writing, precautions in writing research papers and citations of bibliography have been well emphasized at PG level.
  • At departments of economics, educational technology and education, preparation ofproject reports and research reports ar€ well taught through the curriculum framed. In Science departments like Environmental Sciences, Microbiology, Statistics, and Zoology, the syllabus has been framed in line with ethical research pedagogy by inclusion of papers on thesis writing, research ethics, Intellectual property rights, ethics in thesis writing etc.
  • To encourage ethical research practices at the University the Arignar Anna Central library present at the Bharathiar University has been equipped with active subscription for Plagiarism check software Tumitin which is used by the faculty members, research scholars and students in vast amounts.
  • This has enabled the University to operationalize and self-regulate the research etiquettes at its premises leading to the development of innate and original research oulcomes that are of higher quality and meeting to the intemational standards.
  • The research pedagogy has also been well framed and functionalized at the University through providing awareness programmes and brainstorming sessions conducted as and when required by the students and this is in view of inculcating the habit of coming up with proper and authentic research curriculum and practices at the University.

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