| ‍‍Palani Road, Pollachi, Tamil Nadu 642107

Certificate & Diploma Courses

The current Indian higher education sysytem has undergone radical changes, thanks to the UGC’s re-orientation and reshapping of Indian eduation policy. It is envisaged that professionally qualified graduates with a sound knowledge of their core disciplines, expertise and training in specific skills will have more openings and opportunities in the science industry and self-employment sectors. In fact, the demand for such professionally trained graduates is on the rise now in the applied fields of almost all basic or core disciplines. To meet this challenge in the changing global scenario, the UGC has introduced and incorporated skill oriented, value added and career – oriented courses in Colleges and Universities to be pursued by students as a parallel sub–discipline while planning their degree level education. The career-oriented programmes offered by the UGC in three stages are:

1. A Certificate Course
2. A Diploma Course and
3. An Advanced Diploma Course

To begin with, one has to take up the certificate course in a subject and move on vertically to Diploma and Advanced Diploma courses every year so that when he/ she completes graduation, there will be a degree, a certificate, a diploma and an Advanced Diploma on hand. Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College has grabbed the opportunity to introduce these UGC sponsored career- oriented programmes which are mainly need based and employment oriented. The objective of introducing these career, market oriented and skill enhancing courses is to enable the students to get a Certificate / Diploma / Advanced Diploma in any of the career oriented courses along with a conventional degree in Science / Arts / Commerce / Management / Literature etc.

Career Prospects

Career-Oriented courses ensure job opportunities and employability for students. With these three levels of courses a student can become an employee, an employer or a consultant or an entrepreneur. It is for the students to choose a course for their career prospects and bright future.

Office Automation and Web-Designing

Certificate Course

Diploma Course

Advanced Diploma Courses

Client Server Technology

Certificate Course

Diploma Course

Advanced Diploma Courses


Certificate Course

Diploma Course

Advanced Diploma Courses

Information and Computer Technology

Certificate Course

Diploma Course

Advanced Diploma Courses


Certificate Course

Diploma Course

Advanced Diploma Courses

Net Programming

Certificate Course

Diploma Course

Advanced Diploma Courses

Foreign Trade Policy

Certificate Course

Diploma Course

Advanced Diploma Courses


Certificate Course

Diploma Course

Advanced Diploma Courses

Ready to Get Started

Take the first step toward achieving your goals with us. Explore endless opportunities and begin your journey to success today!